Career Interview Coaching to Optimize Results
- Do you feel you are out on a limb because you don’t have your act together in job interviews?
- Are you concerned about how to present yourself in phone or online interviews?
- Do you lack confidence in your ability to get your needs met in job interviews?
- Are you procrastinating and distracting yourself from doing what it takes?
If you relate to any of these questions, then Optimal Thinking career coaching is for you. As your optimal thinking career coach, I will ask a lot of questions in the context of industry specific interviews. Before we even meet, you will receive a one-page questionnaire to determine the priorities for your interview preparation, so that we can move forward as efficiently as possible. We will role pay mock interviews rigorously, case-based where appropriate. I will focus on asking the best questions to invite your best solutions.
8 Tough Career Interview Questions
Do you know how to answer these career interview questions?
- Tell me about yourself
- Why are you interested in working here?
- Why did you leave your last job?
- Why are you the best candidate for this role?
- What is your greatest professional accomplishment?
- What are your weaknesses?
- What are your salary requirements?
- Can you tell me about a tough situation you faced in the workplace and how you dealt with it?
Career Interview Coaching Objectives
By the end of optimal thinking career interview coaching, you will:
- be confident in your ability to best control any interview
- interpret your interviewer’s body language to maximize rapport
- know how to interpret your interviewer’s verbal language to maximize rapport
- have the tools, strategy and step-by-step actions to optimize your success
- know how to best respond to the most difficult questions from interviewers
- be able to determine whether a position is ight for you
- negotiate the most desirable compensation package
- present your best self and wow your interviewer
Call (424) 204-6133
to discuss your most important objectives.
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