Interested in transforming a typical organization into a “Best Place to Work” organization? This business optimization seminar focuses on creating a “Best Place to Work” environment where loyal employees contribute their best. They don’t rely on a pat on the back from management or a bonus at the end of the year to do their best.
This seminar received a perfect score (9.0 out of 9.0) from UCLA extension “Become a Best Place to Work” custom seminar attendees. We now conduct this seminar onsite, at our office, or online.
Our top performing employees have mastered consistent systemic optimization. They ask the best questions to invite the best solutions. They make the most of the hands they are dealt and implement the highest priorities. External incentives, recognition, and rewards are secondary, because they are totally self-motivated.
Best Practices of Best Place to Work Companies
In this seminar, we will explore the four best practices to establish “Best Place to Work” companies.
1. Create an Optimal Thinking Workplace.
2. Provide the Most Conducive Facilities and Compensation.
3. 101 No Cost or Low Cost Employee Motivation Strategies.
4. Minimize De-motivators.
You will learn how to establish a systemic, self-perpetuating cycle of workplace and business optimization. You will also discover how you and your organization can consistently be your best. You will bring out the best in others, and contribute your best to the community.
We provide role plays, interactive discussion, exercises, course notes and case studies so you can immediately implement this information in the workplace.
Take the ultimate quantum leap with Dr. Rosalene Glickman, international best-selling author of Optimal Thinking. Learn how to consistently employ this realistic, universal, timeless mental technology to optimize fulfillment in your workplace. You can then measure your results with key performance indicators.
Jose D –
I’ve been following Rosalene Glickman’s seminars for 20 years. She is a genuine thought leader who takes you above and beyond mainstream thinking. I’ve stopped just going along to bring home my paycheck. Rosalene has inspired me to put my best self in charge of myself and my team.
Sandy W. –
The strategies I learned here are mind boggling in the best sense. Our team is flying high as a result of this seminar. It is a “Don’t miss!”
Mark P –
The culture optimization strategies and tactics in this seminar are fun and easy to implement. This seminar is terrific.
Dan Long –
I first attended Rosalene Glickman’s Best Place to Work seminar at UCLA. It was very practical and we implemented most of the strategies right away. The seminar is full of best practices and results oriented. It is unlike any other seminar I’ve attended in 23 years of corporate life. We have since sent key employees to this seminar and have had a 23% reduction in employee turnover. We have a great chance of winning a Best Place to Work award. Thanks Dr. Glickman.