The Associate Program is designed specifically for trainers, consultants, counselors, and coaches.
The Optimal Thinking 360º Online Assessment supplements and optimizes your training, continuing education, coaching, consulting, and development programs. The Assessment is a result of 27 years of fastidious research, and can be employed with corporate and individual clients to provide a 360º view of their thinking and performance.
Your clients will learn about their:
- dominant thinking style
- core motivation
- stressors
- how to best interact with others
- how others view them, and much more
Participants receive a personalized 21-page Self-Optimization Report (without Observer input) with suggestions for optimizing their thinking, performance, and interactions with others. If they invite Observers to rate them, they will receive a 41-page Composite Report.
Associates are wholesale distributors (resellers) who employ the online Optimal Thinking 360º Online Assessment as a profit center for your own business. You purchase Assessments in bulk at a reseller discount and sell them to individual end users and/or corporate clients (see pricing below). You can use the Optimal Thinking 360º Online Assessment to optimize recruitment and selection, career counseling, outplacements, team building, performance management, management development, training, mentoring, and organization development.
Certified Associates may also present 90-minute follow up sessions (within specific guidelines) with individual end users and/or corporate clients. You interpret the nuances in reports, provide additional options, and personalize individual, interpersonal and organizational optimization. Associates must attend two 3-hour training teleconferences or a one-day training delivered by our company to attain certification.
End User Assessments
Each of us has a dominant level of thinking in daily life. The Optimal Thinking 360º Assessment is designed to:
- Identify your dominant level of thinking
- Clarify your hierarchy of thinking styles (the thinking styles you use less often)
- Determine how much of your thinking is in your best interest
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of your dominant thinking style
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the other thinking styles
- Uncover your core motivation
- Reveal the situations that may be stressful for you
- Help you to predict your responses in personal and business situations
- Empower you to be your best, regardless of the circumstances
- Maximize your understanding of yourself and others
- Optimize your interactions with others, and bring out the best in them
- Provide optimal action steps to maximize your personal and professional success, and much more.
There are six common thinking patterns. For example, some people perform exceptionally well and achieve great results, then slip into mediocre performance. These people fall prey to an internal power struggle that is best resolved with consistent Optimal Thinking.

Other people perform exceptionally well and achieve great results for a while, but their performance is remarkably erratic. These people cycle back and forth between extraordinarily positive and extraordinarily negative performance. Optimal Thinking provides the stability required to maximize execution and achieve optimal performance.

This 50-question Assessment will uncover your pattern of thinking, and empower you to be optimally effective at work, at home, and in all your relationships. After taking the Assessment, you will receive your fully personalized Self-Optimization Report. You can also obtain input from others by inviting them to participate and give you feedback. You will then have a 360° (multi-rater) view of yourself through the eyes of others. You can read your personalized 41-page Composite Report online or download and print it out at your convenience.
Corporate Assessments
Employees receive 360º views of their dominant thinking style, hierarchy of thinking styles, core motivators, stressors, communication styles, and specific recommendations to optimize their personal and professional success. They learn how to maximize - not just improve or manage - their productivity and relationships.
This Assessment empowers individuals, teams, departments and entire organizations. You can use the assessment in specific levels of the organization, such as executive, middle management, supervisors, and employees. You can also implement the assessment in operating divisions such as manufacturing, finance, marketing, sales, distribution, finance, as well as different locations.
Optimize Recruiting And Training Programs
- Create a "best practices, best place to work" environment
- Attract top-notch talent
- Accurately assess each person's fit within the organization
- Uncover which thinking styles are employed in different situations
- Identify the dominant thinking level of individuals, teams, and departments
- Quantify the thinking that is in the company's best interest
- Maximize employee engagement and retention
- Reduce the need for external incentives and rewards
- Optimize cooperation and buy-in between managers and employees
- Achieve unparalleled employee motivation and morale
- Maximize employee productivity, efficiency and effectiveness
Position the Best People in the Right Roles
Exercising due diligence with references, background checks, and credentials does not uncover the thinking style that best fits a team's dynamics and the company's culture. The Optimal Thinking 360º Online Assessment objectively measures the thinking patterns of your new hires. The report empowers them to optimize their thinking and interactions with others. They will optimize each task and perform most effectively with their team. Optimal Thinkers are optimally self-motivated. Because they do their best regardless of the circumstances, you will reduce the need for incentives, rewards and recognition.

Maximize Employee Performance and Retention
When employees think in suboptimal terms, performance is impaired. The Optimal Thinking 360º Assessment provides employees with a comprehensive understanding of their dominant thinking style, the other thinking styles, their performance levels, strengths, weaknesses and blind spots. They learn how to contribute their best and interact optimally with others in any circumstance.
Because thinking is a core performance indicator, the Optimal Thinking 360º Assessment rises above traditional personality tests. The Assessment immediately uncovers and resolves the thinking that compromises employee engagement, satisfaction and loyalty. Optimal Thinking employees seek and create the best opportunities for advancement. The Assessment empowers leaders and employees to employ best practices as they move up through the organization.
Optimize Team Performance
Every time an individual in a sales team, customer service department, or product development group thinks suboptimally, results are compromised. Fortunately, Optimal Thinking 360º workplace teams have insight into each individual's dominant level of thinking, motives, stressors, and communication styles, and collaborate to immediately optimize performance.
The greatest product innovations, sales results, and customer experiences are best achieved with Optimal Thinking teams. When cooperation among team members is optimized, productivity and profitability can be maximized, and workplace stress is reduced.
After you purchase a bulk quantity of the Assessment, you can customize the time frame for the Assessmen. You can also distribute the Assessment to employees for in-house use. Employees will receive a 41-page Composite Report (Self plus Observer) and/or a 21-page Personalized Self-Optimization Report, empowering them to perform optimally -- and stop settling for second best (You can permit or block access to the reports).
Our Unconditional Guarantee
As we are totally confident in the continued value your Individual and Corporate members will gain by understanding their thinking styles, optimizing themselves, their interactions, and each situation, we offer a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain when you invest in the Optimal Thinking 360º Assessment.