Emotional Mastery 24/7
These emotional mastery resources contain road maps to understand and resolve manageable and unmanageable feelings such as anxiety, hurt, anger, disappointment, envy, guilt, loneliness and depression.
Emotional Mastery Wallet Cards with Optimal Thinking
14 double-sided 2″ X 3″ wallet cards
When you answer the optimal questions on the Optimal Thinking Emotional Mastery cards, you immediately achieve understanding, explore your options, and determine your best solution to turbulent feelings. You align yourself with your greatest needs, and exercise emotional self-reliance by processing and resolving your feelings as they occur. Isn’t this what emotional intelligence is really about?
Like any other threat to your safety, turbulent emotions are handled best when you are clear about what you are facing. When you understand your disturbing emotions, you can interpret your responses, make sense of the world around you, and employ them to optimize your life. When you experience a disturbing emotion, just select the most appropriate wallet card (see below) and answer the questions:
1. Unmanageable feelings
2. Manageable feelings
3. Forgiveness
4. Helplessness
5. Discomfort
6. Anxiety (place cursor over card)
7. Hurt
8. Anger
9. Disappointment
10. Guilt
11. Depression
12. Grief
13. Envy
14. Loneliness
Emotional Mastery Audio Download
Ready to optimize your emotional intelligence with Optimal Thinking? In this audio program, you learn how to make peace with turbulent feelings, understand the messages they signal, and then resolve them with Optimal Thinking. When you implement this Optimal Thinking roadmap, you will minimize your emotional downtime and maximize your uptime. This audio download contains the following tracks:
Track 1: Introduction
Track 2: What is Optimal Thinking?
Track 3: The Value of Emotions
Track 4: How to Master Disturbing Feelings
Track 5: Manageable Feelings
Track 6: Unmanageable Feelings
Track 7: Optimize Your Feelings
Track 8: Your Optimal Thinking Opportunities
Conquer Your Anxiety Audio Download
Fear is nature’s way of protecting you from real and current danger. It prepares you to escape from harm. Anxiety is the fear of future or the remembrance of past hurt, danger, or loss. Anxiety varies in form and intensity and can be based on real or imagined situations. You sense that something bad is about to happen. This audio download contains the following tracks:
Track 1: Introduction
Track 2: Negative Thinking
Track 3: Suboptimal Positive Thinking
Track 4: What is Optimal Thinking?
Track 5: Optimization Signals
Track 6: Conquer Your Anxiety
Track 7: Your Optimal Thinking Opportunities
Resolve Your Anger Audio Download
You feel angry when you take offense at being hurt or experiencing loss. Angry feelings arise when you feel helpless, threatened, deprived, or unfairly treated. Anger is a physiological sensation created by the production of adrenaline in the body, and a protective mechanism that prepares your body to fight against attack. This audio download contains the following tracks:
Track 1: Introduction
Track 2: What is Optimal Thinking?
Track 3: Optimization Signals
Track 4: Overcome Helplessness
Track 5: Resolve Your Anger, Part 1
Track 6: Resolve Your Anger, Part 2
Track 7: Your Optimal Thinking Opportunities