some of our clients:
  • Johnson and Johnson
  • YPO
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • US Army
  • Air New Zealand
  • WB
  • Red Bull
  • Frito Lay
  • Mercedes-Benz
  • Delta Airlines
  • bp

Business Optimization

Executive Coaching for Bad Boss Behaviors

Executive Coaching for Bad Boss Behaviors

Unfortunately, many struggling bosses do not seek the help they need. It’s hard to face shortcomings even for the best of us. Are you concerned about counterproductive behaviors? Have employees, peers or superiors made telling remarks?

, , , , , | Business Optimization Executive Coaching | 31 Comments

Business Development Plan to Optimize Expansion

Business Development Plan to Optimize Expansion

Business plans are recognized decision-making tools which contain a formal statement of goals, an action plan and a road map to success. A business development plan is necessary to move key initiatives from strategy to performance.

, , , , , | Business Optimization Optimal Thinking | 18 Comments

Quiz: Are You Coachable?

Quiz: Are You Coachable?

Most people are coachable, but not everyone is coachable at a particular time. Some people want breakthroughs, but they may not be ready to modify their beliefs, actions and habits. Want to know where you stand?

, , | Business Optimization Executive Coaching Life Coaching Personal Optimization | 22 Comments

How Tim Cook Thinks

How Tim Cook Thinks

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc. is revered among the top CEOs in the world.  While Mr. Cook often presents himself as an extraordinary positive thinker, he uses Optimal Thinking to optimize Apple’s performance in everyday situations. You can do it too.

, , | Business Optimization How CEOs Think Optimal Thinking | 10 Comments

Overcome Career Disappointment

Overcome Career Disappointment

Feeling career disappointment? The outcome of our career can be out of our control. When the results don’t meet our hopes and dreams, we will naturally feel disappointed. We feel disappointed when we want something and no longer believe that we can have it.

, | Business Optimization Executive Coaching | 8 Comments

What CEO Resignations Reveal

What CEO Resignations Reveal

CEO’s often experience overwhelming pressure to perform. Many CEO’s are misaligned with corporate objectives. Some make poor or even fatal decisions under stress, while others allow their character flaws to spin out of control. 

, , , , | Business Optimization Executive Coaching | 11 Comments

How to Get on Best Places to Work Lists

How to Get on Best Places to Work Lists

Have you wondered about how your company can become a  Best Place to Work?  Successful companies — large, mid-sized and small — understand that the right people are critical to their success. They attract the best and brightest talent and do their best to provide the most conducive environment to retain them. They know too…

, , | Business Optimization Executive Coaching | 5 Comments

Discover What “The Best” Means to Your People Podcast

Discover What “The Best” Means to Your People Podcast

In this podcast, entertainment industry chief human resources executive Cindy Ballard discusses how to discover what “the best” means to your people with hosts, Rosalene Glickman, Ph.D. and Bill Brewer, CCP.

, , , , | Business Optimization | No Comments

Optimize Workforce Innovation and Direction Podcast

Optimize Workforce Innovation and Direction Podcast

In this podcast, entertainment industry chief human resources executive Kathy Mandato discusses how to optimize workforce innovation and direction with hosts, Rosalene Glickman, Ph.D. and Bill Brewer, CCP

, | Business Optimization | No Comments

Be a Best Place to Work Podcast

Be a Best Place to Work Podcast

Optimize employee retention, contribution, and satisfaction. Aerospace and defense chief human resources executive Doug Balsbough discusses how to establish a best place to work where employees contribute their best.

, , , | Business Optimization | 1 Comment

Job Candidate Profiles

Job Candidate Profiles

After assessing nearly 1,000,000 job candidates at more than 6500 companies, clear patterns emerged between the thinking styles of individuals and their job titles. Certain types of thinkers are best suited to specific career roles…

, , , , , , , , , | Business Optimization Executive Coaching | 5 Comments

Executive Coaching Reviews by Leaders and the Media

The following executive coaching reviews have been compiled from leaders and the media. They provide a snapshot of how they perceive the value of executive coaching: What Leaders Say About Executive Coaching “Even modest improvements can justify hiring a coach. An investment of $30,000 or so in an executive who has responsibility for tens of…

, , , , , | Business Optimization Executive Coaching | 3 Comments
  • Optimal Thinking has a little bit for everyone and will help people be the best self they can be.

    Kenneth Blanchard, Author,

    The One Minute Manager

  • When I began optimal thinking coaching, I was spending long hours at the office and hardly got to see my family. Your coaching helped me gain organizational savvy and get the most important things done on time and on budget. I am now enjoying quality time with my family.

    Ken T, Manchester, England

  • Your unwavering focus on best practices, best solutions and best value in the coaching process is unmatched by any other coach. You are the very best!

    Steve M, Palo Alto, CA

  • What does it take to become Australia's most successful woman? Glickman was awarded her title for her ability to motivate American business people.

    Business Review Weekly

  • I must endorse Optimal Thinking as the mental foundation for peak performance in all fields. Optimal Thinking is a quantum leap beyond rhetorical positive thinking ideology.

    Dr. Gregory H. Tefft

    Triple Crown Mr. America, Olympics Sports Medicine Staff, California

  • You helped me get past having to be the smartest person in the room. My colleagues tell me that I have become a leader who reflects the best efforts of my people. You were there every step of the way, and made me take responsibility for making the necessary changes.

    Bryan S, St. Louis, MI

  • Without your coaching, we would never have been able to outperform our competition. Your coaching helped me steer the company optimally in very tough times. We have increased market share, and our earnings have never been better.

    Larry P, Silicon Valley, CA

  • You helped me to become a disciplined leader and made me accountable for my goals and commitments. My best self is in charge thanks to you.

    Barry L, New York

  • Your executive coaching enabled me to restore important relationships with my boss and coworkers. I am able to control my temper and communicate assertively. Years of therapy didn't help, but your coaching did the job. Thanks.

    Phillip B, Dallas.

  • My life and career were out of balance for years when I began optimal thinking coaching. I'm on track now and enjoying each day to the max.

    Don M, New York.

  • Fantastic coach, brilliant, enthusiastic, totally honest, humane, assertive, extremely helpful and patient. A winner.

    Harold W, CEO,

    Melbourne, Australia

  • You have given me a priceless gift - the tools to live my personal life and career with my best self.

    Marilyn E , London, UK.

  • As a senior executive in corporate America for 25 years, I was burnt out. Thanks for restoring my optimism and commitment to my career. I'm excited about the challenges ahead.

    David P, Irvine, CA.

  • Your coaching was so valuable in the past that I immediately called you as I started my next turnaround. With the help of your coaching, I can quickly optimize the business and build a highly effective team performing at its best.

    Michelle Farabaugh, MBA

    CEO, Bounty Hunter Wine and Spirits

  • "The future belongs to those who bring their best to the present."

    Rosalene Glickman, Ph.D.
